What you DON'T know about parvo, can kill your dog!
On Thursday evening, October 26th, our Red Heeler Puppy Wyatt acted "a little off". Knowing that he had had all of his shots, I just told him that if he wasn't feeling any better by morning that we were going to the doctor's office.
By the time I found a vet in the office the next morning, Wyatt was all but gone. Diagnosis: Parvo
How could this be? Wyatt had had all his shots and had never been anywhere but the house and the fenced in front yard.
3 nights in emergency care and approximately $1,700 later...Wyatt has recovered, but is totally blind. Don't feel sorry for Wyatt. He certainly doesn't feel sorry for himself and there is nothing he can't do, but if we had had any inclination that puppies can get parvo EVEN IF THEY HAVE HAD ALL THEIR SHOTS, he would have been at the vets office late Thursday night!
Please do research on parvo. Dogs can get parvo anytime and any place. If your dog is a "little off", take them to the vet immediately regardless of their shot records.
Randy and I have chosen to vaccinate our dogs now through 1 year old. Yes, it will cost a little bit more money, but over the long run, it's ALOT cheaper than $1,700 emergency vet bills...and we came so close to losing the little buddy AND STILL HAVING THE VET BILLS!
Wyatt is getting stronger and stronger every day and I am forever thankful to Dr. Cinque at the Marietta Animal Hospital. Without her urgency and putting up with a hysterical ME, Wyatt certainly would not be here today! I am forever grateful to her!
So now I am a SEEING EYE PERSON for Mr. Wyatt...that's like the blind leading the blind, but we're together and happy and that's all that matters!
Symptoms of parvo:
refusing to eat
Please, please, please do not wait. If your dog is showing any signs of parvo...get them to the vet immediately!!!
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