Update on Miss Golden Booty - Cheyenne
Cheyenne went to the vet on Thursday, September 7th for a check up and to get her final shots for the year. She now weighs a whopping 4.7 lbs.!!! She will go in next month for a little "nip and tuck" just to make the hole a little bigger, as she is outgrowing the one originally made. She will have that done the same time she is being spayed.
That's a long way from the 1.5 lbs. that she weighed the day of her surgery!!!
This is Cheyenne on 9/9/06 sitting in my mom's lap. She was so sleepy and didn't appreciate the camera flashing in her face. The other picture is her mama as a puppy. Isn't she the spitting image of her mama??? And yes, Tehya's ears do lay down now. Tehya is 2 1/2 years old and still mama's baby. Tehya means "Precious One" in Native American. Pronounced Tay Ha'.
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