Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Raising surgery funds for Cheyenne

Cheyenne's surgery is estimated to run about $1,500 (barring no complications).

I am going to raise the money so that she has a chance to live a normal life by -

1) Offering raffle tickets for a breeding to our black and white overo stallion JSM Doc Bandit (either 2006 or 2007 year, your choice) - Tickets are $1.00 each. Drawing will be held Friday evening, June 9th.

2) Offering a breeding FOR SALE to our stallion for $250.00

2) Selling the remainder of the puppies (all males) in Cheyenne's litter (they are perfectly healthy)

All proceeds with go straight to the University of Florida in Cheyenne's account and any donations exceeding her needs will be donated to a patient in need there. Make all checks out to FVMFA, Inc. (Florida Veterinary Medicine Faculty Assoc. Inc.)

Pictures of Bandit and the puppies can be found on this web-site. Please help us do all we can for Cheyenne so that she can live a normal life.

Please e-mail me at if you are interested in any of the options above.